Monday, July 13, 2009


Bryan and I hung out with our neice and nephew this weekend and we had a great day. Here are some pix from the  events of the day....

Heading to the park - why do toddlers love things with wheels so much!?! Willie insisted on pushing the stoller and Emma pushed the mower!
Emma photography - she was trying to get Willie to smile and she was chasing him around with the camera saying "smile dude". Anyway, here's the shot she got, it was cute.

Willie is such a cutie!

We can't believe how big Jackie is... she'll be six soon and she's such a special little girl! She's really a little diva and she loves coming to hang out with Aunt Sara and Emma. She's still amazed that Emma can talk - too funny!

A little rest before we headed out to Burke Lake.

We had to practice our screaming for the tunnel on the train ride... the girls won!

Jack has decided that the train is very scary and he can't ride it. Everytime he sees the train he cries... hopefully this will pass. Everyone else had a nice train ride. Willie enjoyed waving to everyone.

1 comment:

crazymom said...

we love you guys so much. the kids had a blast... and it allowed us to get alot done at p's house. your the bomb!!!! love ya