So we took Emma and Jack to meet Santa yesterday with Nana. By the time we got there Emma had passed out in the car and Jack wanted nothing to do with meeting Santa. Here's the first picture we took - Emma was really out - I couldn't wake her up so we wanted proof that she was in Santa's presence!

Jack was saying 'Bye-bye' and crying and Emma was totally out!!!

Emma finally woke up and we went back to visit Santa and she was soooo excited. It was such a special moment for me too - completely unexpected, but I actually teared up! I think it was just so touching to see her completely filled with pure joy! Christmas is magical!

Nana tipped us off this great Santa spot we didn't even know about. There was no line and the kids could actually sit in Santa's sleigh. This really added to the authenticity for Emma because she's very curious about his sleigh and all the logistics involved! When we saw him in the mall she wanted to know where the sleigh was parked and who was watching the reindeer. She's such a worry-wort! Jack never ended up in Santa's lap - everytime Bryan even mentioned Santa Jack said 'No! No! No! Bye-bye!' He doesn't like strangers.
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