Sunday, April 26, 2009

Emma & Jack

Despite being feeling a little under the weather we got out today and enjoyed the warm weather! Jack just started clapping - a developmental milestone - and so everywhere we went today he was clapping. It was pretty appropriate because we did attend a birthday for one of our neighborhood friends... good timing Jack. Also, my Gran's b-day was on Friday so he was able to clap over the phone to her!

We ate breakfast in Occoquan this morning and played at the little gazebo afterward. I got some great shots of the kids. Here is a really nice one of Emma. Capturing a good shot of a 2 yr old isn't an easy task - our new camera has the 'rapid fire' feature... now I just need to figure out how it works!

I think I'll blow this one up... who knows when I'll get another shot like this. I really want to do a professional session with a photographer my sister-in-law used, but these will do for now. I don' t have any framed pix of our family since Jack came along!

I really love this one of us - it's rare that we get a shot where all 4 of us are looking at the camera and nobody is crying! I may frame this one as well - riding the train at Burke Lake is one of those traditions I know Bryan and I will always look back on fondly. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dang, if I was there I could get all sorts of 'professional' shots!! Maybe the next time I make it out there...or you can Ask Steph! :)