Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Where you are meant to be...

This week our pastor spoke about the awareness that where you are is exactly where God has placed you. I always struggle with being confident in the decisions we've made and wondering if we're following the path that God has laid out before us. When we made the decision to move last summer, it was after many months of praying and the way everything worked out it was clear to both Bryan and I that this was of God. Now that we're here and settled in our very own house (which, by the way, is far beyond anything we ever dreamed of) we are waiting on God to reveal to us what he would like us to do with what he has given us.

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, -Ephesians 3:20

Maybe this peaceful time together in 'The Homestead' is a gift and a blessing that we will cherish forever. Taking time to enjoy each moment we have together as a family and not rushing it and filling it up with places to go and people to see, but savoring it and being aware that life may not always be this simple. Being grateful and thanking God for this season in our lives.

We have plugged in to our new community, but the switch hasn't been turned on yet. I'm not good at waiting, I'm good at 'making' things happen, but this time I know better and I'll wait on God.

a warm day in December - just enjoying the beautiful weather

Jack was so happy to use the sawzall to cut the Christmas tree stump

Daddy love

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. -Ephesians 2:10

So we are just enjoying our quiet time here together...

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