Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lots of change....

1. I got a new job - had to go back to work full time. I really like it and working full time isn't nearly as difficult as I anticipated. One of the main reasons could be because there is a Target and a Starbuck's in the basement of my office building.
2. Jack slept through the night for the first time... for 2 consecutive nights...YAY (the first night isn't really confirmed because we forgot to turn the monitor on, but he definitely didn't wake up the second night)
3. Jack can sit up and eat his nummies in his high chair - this is very exciting for him because he can be at the table w/ us instead of on the floor or in our laps which seems to make him mad - at least at dinnertime.
4. My Aunt Ann came to visit for a few weeks and we got to hang out and pretend like she really lived here... it was so nice.
5. Emma's daycare provider is doing this really cool curriculum for toddlers and she comes home everyday with really neat crafts that she is so excited to share! I'll have to take some pix and post some of her masterpieces!!

It's been a while since I posted anything... here are some positives that have been been happening w/ us:


bev said...

How precious! Love the picture of Emma with her Christmas tree ornament and Jack under the tree...Christmas Hugs to both of them :)

Ewelina said...

How happy is Jack sitting in the high chair - yet another milesone reached, Emma is so cute with her ornament and you all look so great and happy with both children on your lap. Perfect!