So we got almost 30" of snow this weekend and it was awesome! Highlights include:
- Shoveling.
- Hiking to the park.
- Bryan getting his truck stuck on our street and having to call Jim to rescue him.
- Shoveling.
- Bryan practically dying of cabin fever.
- Bryan going on snow exploration adventures and saving random people including a 16 yr old kid who was trying to make it to his job at Pizza Hut in his Eclipse.
- Shoveling.
- Jack almost getting frostbite on his face because he loves to eat snow.
- Emma climbing on all the snow mounds.
- Hanging out with neighbors - we have awesome neighbors.
- Bryan taking the whole family on a snow exploration adventure to visit my parents house - their neighborhood hadn't been plowed - we made it through and Jack laughed the entire bumpy ride home.

Looks like you guys had so much fun! It looks cold and miserable to me, but that is why I live in Arizona.
that's a lot of snow, sugar! I was in it last weekend, too! Hope you guys are staying warm and safe, the kids look like they had a blasty blast. :)
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